About Nkandla

Nkandla Town is a Rural Service Centre and is located approximately 34 miles South-West of Melmoth. Nkandla Town is the only formalized urban area within the municipality though it remains isolated from major economic development corridors. Nkandla is mountainous and many of the families live in deep valleys, forests, and ravines. Most roads are dirt and transportation is scarce. Consequently, people living in Nkandla must walk long distances to access most services.
Source: Statistics South Africa

By Peggy Goetz, Africa Unfinished
Incubus born in steaming
darkness of Central Africa,
the tiniest of enemies saps a
the continent, like a swarm
of billions of mosquitoes
sucking life away.
At rural hospital in the south
it takes twenty in a month,
and no one cares where it
started or why or how, part
of an army of fear, poverty,
ignorance, disease that steals
the breast from newborn babies,
ravages the strong, burns lives
to the ground.
Africa is home
to humankind. Its
pain is our pain.